SUCAS for Group Organisers - Visits

This is a two hour course which will provide a background to SUCAS (Swindon U3A Cloud Administration System) and managing Group Visits.

The courses are limited to six people at a time, to maximise the opportunities to ask questions and use the system.

This course is aimed at those groups who organise visits. SUCAS now has a facility to manage all aspects of a visit. When the visit management is used, a diary entry is automatically generated with a link to the full visit itineray, costs and booking. Members can book directly, or the visit organiser can record bookings. Finance details are automatically available to the treasurer and costs can be entered and payments requested.

The course takes place in the Liden Community Centre. It is useful if members can bring their own laptops so they can access SUCAS during the session. Tablets can also be used but for any serious data entry a seperate keyboard is recommended.

A basic knowledge of SUCAS and the group membership management is assumed. See the Group Organiser Membership Management course for more details.

Course Content:


Member facilities

Help System


Visit Management facilities